13 Aug Best Tulsa Heat and Air Contractor | Riverside Heat & Air
Best Tulsa Heat and Air Contractor | Riverside Heat & Air – Questions? Contact us here.
If you are looking for the best Tulsa heat and air contractor, Riverside Heat & Air is for you. Our team is prepared to fix any kind of heat and air problem that you might face. At Riverside Heat & Air, our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know how to quickly take care of the problems in your heat and air systems that might cause them to stop working, or only work partially. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know how important it is to pay attention to the details when you are working on heat and air systems. Here are a few tips to help you take good care of your home’s HVAC systems:
Be Mindful of Mechanical Issues
In modern homes, an air conditioners number one job is to pull cool air into your home and get rid of hot air. Your air conditioner does this with the help of a chemical called refrigerant. Air conditioning systems have five basic components. A fan, evaporator coil, compressor, condenser, and expansion device. Any of these different pieces can experience mechanical failure. When it comes to fixing your air conditioner unit when things go wrong, our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know that it might not always be worth it. Sometimes, fixing an air conditioner can cost more than it would to just purchase a completely new air conditioner system. It’s a good idea to have regular check-ups done on your air conditioning system. These inspections can help prevent seemingly random mechanical failures, and help you maintain your air conditioning unit for a lot longer. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor are trained how to do inspections of each of the five components that we mentioned. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team will be able to tell you whether or not you should just try and have your air conditioner fixed, or have the entire unit replaced altogether. The bottom line is, your air conditioning unit needs routine maintenance and attention in order to run properly.
Keep Filters Unclogged
Clogged air filters, believe it or not, are the number one reason that most air conditioning units stop working. This task is so simple, that it can be an easy one to forget. But our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know how important this simple task is to the life of your air conditioning unit. Getting on a steady schedule of replacing the air filters in your home is a must, according to our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team. Failing to replace your air conditioner’s air filters force it to have to work much harder than it otherwise would. This means that it will wear out much more quickly than an air conditioner unit that had regular filter changes over the years. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know that there have even been situations where air conditioners filters get so clogged that the cool air is not able to find a way through. When this happens, that cool air can find its way back to the evaporator coil. At this point, the evaporator coil is in danger of freezing over and failing. Once it fails, you’re looking at some costly repairs.
Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team encourage you to save time and money by investing in some air filters and setting a reminder to replace them periodically. It might seem like work right now, but it will save you time and effort in the future when you don’t have to pay for all kinds of repairs that could have just been completely avoided right in the very first place. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team can help you determine how frequently you might want to change the air filters in your home or business. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team recommend considering purchasing a modern thermostat that will alert you to when you need to replace the filter in your air conditioning unit. For central air conditioning units, the filters will probably need to be changed on a monthly basis. Especially if you or your family have dogs or cats that shed all over the place. Their fur can quickly find its way into air filters, clogging them at a much faster rate.
Check Refrigerant Levels
Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know that maintaining the correct refrigerant levels in your air conditioning unit is absolutely necessary if you want it to function correctly. Inside your air conditioning unit, cold liquid form refrigerant evaporates on the evaporator coil, thus transforming into gas. This heated gas is then pushed outside and into a condenser. At this point, it transfers the heat to the outside air and then turns back into a liquid form again. The cycle then repeats itself over and over. This system is at the core of keeping your home cool, so if there is a problem with your refrigerant levels, then you’re going to run into some serious issues with your air conditioning unit. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team know that the refrigerant levels in your air conditioning unit need to line up with the requirements for your specific unit. When they do, it should function as intended. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team encourage you to be aware of the two main causes of refrigerant issues. Your refrigerant could be low if not enough was added in the first place when your system was installed. Another potential cause is a refrigerant leak. When leaks are the cause, you are going to need a trained technician to fix the problem. Our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team can quickly take care of any problems with your refrigerant.
We hope you have gained something from these tips. If you ever run into problems with your heat and air systems, our best Tulsa heat and air contractor team would be more than happy to take care of the job. Please feel more than welcome to send your questions our way!